Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation

דער גורל פֿון אונדזערע ייִדישיסטישע שולן

The Fate of Our Yiddishist Schools (Part 2)

Part 2 of Solomon Simon’s insider’s view of the cri­sis in the Yid­dish schools fol­low­ing World War II.

Texts & Translation

דער גורל פֿון אונדזערע ייִדישיסטישע שולן

The Fate of Our Yiddishist Schools (Part 1)

Solomon Simon’s insider’s view of the cri­sis in the Yid­dish schools fol­low­ing World War II

Texts & Translation

ייִדישע קינסטלער אין דער הײַנטיקער רוסישער קונסט

Jewish Artists in Contemporary Russian Art

Henryk Berlewi's 1922 essay on Jewish art in Russia, published in Milgroym.

Texts & Translation

אַ טאַנץ

A Dance

A sweatshop worker finds temporary respite from reality at a relative's wedding.

Texts & Translation



A standalone poem by Jacob Glatstein

Texts & Translation

נישגוט־לאַפּיטוט האָט פֿאַרלױרן דעם מוט

Goblin Nogood Has Run Out of Clout

A new translation of Jacob Glatstein's powerful and playful 1943 children's poem.

Texts & Translation

צװיי לידער

Two Poems

"I'll Take Off My Shoes" and "Abraham Our Father Takes Isaac to the Sacrifice" by Itzik Manger.

Texts & Translation

Taytsh-Rope Walking: The Occupational Hazards of Yiddish Translation

In an effort to pool the col­lec­tive wis­dom of its read­er­ship In geveb reg­u­lar­ly con­ducts polls on var­i­ous top­ics. This time we have asked the trans­la­tors to weigh in.

Texts & Translation

די ייִדישע יוניאָנס אין אַמעריקע

The Jewish Unions in America

Bernard Wein­stein’s mem­oir recount­ing the his­to­ry of Jew­ish labor unions in the Unit­ed States.

Texts & Translation

מײַן שטעטל קאָצק

Kock, My Town

Motl Siemi­aty­ck­i’s Mem­oirs from the Kock Yizkor book.