
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


“Conversion through language”: Mo Pareles on Yiddish, Old English, and the Temporal Other

A medieval­ist uses Yid­dish in her scrip­tur­al scholarship. 


Radical, Rational Eating: Eve Jochnowitz on Eastern European Vegetarians, Jewish Politics, and Translating The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook

Eve Jochnowitz dis­cuss­es the rise of veg­e­tar­i­an cui­sine among Jews, left­ist pol­i­tics, and how to make gefilte fish with­out any fish at all. 


The Lonely Hero Needs Reanimating: Poems by Yisroel Nekrasov | רעאַנימאַטאָרן קענען אַלץ: לידער פֿון ישׂראל נעקראַסאָוו

A new book of con­tem­po­rary Yid­dish poet­ry from the Russ­ian writer Yis­roel Nekrasov con­sid­ers mur­der, rean­i­ma­tion, the geog­ra­phy of time, and the long work of mourning. 


Embracing the Multiple: A Conversation with Zohar Weiman-Kelman

Zohar Weiman-Kel­man on the inter­sec­tions of Yid­dish, trans­la­tion, and the erotic. 


Embracing Ambiguity: Reflections on Translating Yiddish

Pro­fes­sor Ani­ta Norich con­cludes our series of reflec­tions on Trans­lat­ing Yid­dish in the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry by recon­sid­er­ing our rela­tion­ship to ambi­gu­i­ty in translation. 


Translating the Iceberg: Reflections on the Possibilities of In geveb’s Texts & Translations Section

In geve­b’s Man­ag­ing Edi­tor for Trans­la­tions reflects on the need and pos­si­bil­i­ties for trans­lat­ing the archives of Yid­dish cul­ture, in addi­tion to the greats of its literature. 


Translation from Yiddish: Whys and Wherefores

Zackary Sholem Berg­er reflects upon the round­table dis­cus­sion at AJS last Decem­ber that inspired this series, and on his own moti­va­tions as a trans­la­tor from Yid­dish and a writer in Eng­lish and Yiddish. 


The Problem of Materiality in Yiddish Translation

In the sec­ond essay in our series of reflec­tions on trans­lat­ing Yid­dish in the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry, Sarah Ponichtera thinks about how we can bring a sense of mate­ri­al­i­ty to our translations. 


Precarious Chains: Reflections on Translating Yiddish

Chief Edi­tor Saul Noam Zaritt intro­duces our series of essays reflect­ing on the state of Yid­dish translation. 


"Eight Volumes in Dour Maroon": Josh Fogel on Translating the Leksikon

The Lek­sikon fun der nay­er yidish­er lit­er­atur, which is full of hard-to-find bio­graph­i­cal and bib­li­o­graph­i­cal infor­ma­tion about Yid­dish writ­ers, is tough to access out­side insti­tu­tions or from the far side of a pay­wall. By method­i­cal­ly trans­lat­ing and post­ing entries from the Lek­sikon online, Josh Fogel is work­ing to change that.