
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


Briv funem Arkhiv: Letter from Sylvia Schneiderman to Itche Goldberg

Josie Naron gives us a glimpse into the pres­sures felt by the chil­dren of Jew­ish left­ists tar­get­ed by McCarthy­ism and the role of Yid­dish sum­mer camps at the height of the Red Scare.


Your Guide to Yiddish and In geveb at the 2019 AJS Conference

Check out the dozens of pan­els and pre­sen­ta­tions involv­ing Yid­dish at this year’s Asso­ci­a­tion for Jew­ish Stud­ies Annu­al Conference.


Transmission: In geveb Pencils in/as Art!

Artist and In geveb sup­port­er Saman­tha Wood incor­po­rat­ed In geveb pen­cils into a work of art now on dis­play as part of an art show at The Art Gar­den in Shel­burne Falls, Mass.


5 Reasons to Support In geveb This Giving Tuesday

In geveb is the ONLY open-access digital Yiddish studies journal around, and we depend on our community of readers like you for support. Can you chip in to help build the online home for Yiddish studies?


Briv funem Arkhiv: Vella Grade, Fruit and Vegetable Seller

Saulė Val­iū­naitė finds Chaim Grade’s moth­er Vel­la list­ed as a fruit and veg­etable sell­er in inter­war Vil­na, just as Grade mov­ing­ly depicts her in his memoir.


Briv funem Arkhiv: A Book Receipt Issued to Martin Buber, 1915

Sam Shon­koff shares a receipt issued to Mar­tin Buber for his pur­chase of thir­ty-three Hasidic vol­umes to be shipped from Prze­myśl, Gali­cia, to his cur­rent home in Berlin, in Octo­ber 1915 — in the midst of World War I and a tur­bu­lent year for Prze­myśl’s Jews.


Briv funem Arkhiv: A Masquerade Ball in Warsaw, 1925

For our first briv funem arkhiv, Alyssa Quint shares a Hal­loween-themed find: a pam­phlet for a 1925 mas­quer­ade ball in Warsaw.


“Tear Up The Harsh Decrees”: Reflections on Tkhines for the High Holidays

Eve Romm looks to tkhines — Yid­dish women’s devo­tion­al lit­er­a­ture — for High Hol­i­days prayers that feel earnest, ten­der, and rich­ly human.”


Memorializing the Holocaust in Electronic Music: An Interview with Francisco Dean

Jo Sabath talks with Fran­cis­co Dean about Dean’s Frilingdik Umbazigt: As the Spring Uncon­quered, an elec­tron­ic music piece memo­ri­al­iz­ing the Holo­caust that he com­posed and direct­ed with high school stu­dent musi­cians at the Chica­go Lab­o­ra­to­ry School.


Jewish Victims, Jewish Virtue, but Not Much Jewish History: A Review of The Argentinian Prostitute Play

Tova Ben­jamin reviews The Argen­tin­ian Pros­ti­tute Play, a new play by Reuven Glez­er staged as part of the 2019 Broad­way Bound The­atre Festival.