

Translating Birshteyn into Swedish: A Conversation with John Karlsson

In this con­ver­sa­tion the Yid­dish trans­la­tor John Karls­son from Swe­den dis­cuss­es his most recent project, a trans­la­tion of Yosl Bir­shteyn sto­ries into Swedish.


Samderin un Shisbezem: An Interview with Harry Potter Translator Arele Viswanath

Arele Viswanath shares the chal­lenges and inno­va­tions of trans­lat­ing Har­ry Pot­ter into Yiddish.


Ten Unanswered Questions: An Unconventional Interview with Eve Adams

Ned Katz’s sen­si­tive new biog­ra­phy of Eve Adams high­g­lights the chal­lenges faced by LGBTQ peo­ple in ear­ly 20th-cen­tu­ry Amer­i­ca and rais­es lin­ger­ing ques­tions about the role that Judaism and the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty played in Adams’ life. In response, Noam Sien­na asks some ques­tions that per­haps only Adams could answer.


Interview with Jordan Kutzik about Yugntruf's new venture: Kinder-loshn Publications

Kinder-loshns mis­sion is to make great clas­sic works of Yid­dish children’s lit­er­a­ture avail­able to read­ers in both Yid­dish and Eng­lish and to pub­lish new Yid­dish children’s books and trans­la­tions of oth­er works into Yid­dish and English.


Language and Trust in a Perilous Time: Translating COVID-19 Public Health Information into Yiddish in Hasidic Communities

Rhona Sei­del­man inter­views the researchers of the Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don Con­tem­po­rary Hasidic Yid­dish Project about their pub­lic health trans­la­tion work dur­ing the ear­ly stages of COVID-19 pandemic.


Millennial Bundism: An Interview with Isabel Frey

Faith Hillis inter­views Vien­na-based musi­cian and activist Isabel Frey about her lat­est album, Mil­len­ni­al Bundist; the place of Yid­dish music in con­tem­po­rary left-wing pol­i­tics; and Frey’s cre­ative rewrit­ings of rev­o­lu­tion­ary anthems.


Acting Like a Jewish Witch: An Interview with The Sorceress Star Mikhl Yashinsky

Mikhl Yashin­sky dis­cuss­es his star­ring role as Bobe Yakhne in the Folks­bi­ene pro­duc­tion of The Sor­cer­ess, fea­tur­ing an In geveb first — a Yid­dish drag per­for­mance record­ed just for our lucky readers!


A Meeting Place for Two Worlds: An Interview with Piotr Nazaruk and Lublin’s Grodzka Gate Center

Mag­dale­na Kozłows­ka inter­views Piotr Nazaruk about Lublin’s Grodz­ka Gate Cen­ter and the cen­ter’s new online exhib­it of mem­o­ry maps from yizkor bikher and oral his­to­ry interviews.


In eynem’s Communicative Approach to Yiddish Pedagogy: An Interview with Asya Vaisman Schulman

Mey­er Wein­shel and Asya Vais­man Schul­man speak about devel­op­ing Vais­man Schul­man’s new Yid­dish text­book, In eynem, com­ing from the Yid­dish Book Cen­ter this summer.