Jonah Lubin is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at Harvard University. He is interested in the digital study of Yiddish literature, and is currently working on a database of translations into Yiddish. He is a former editorial intern at In geveb
Jonah Lubin

Introducing YiDraCor: a TEI-Encoded Corpus of Yiddish Drama
Jonah Lubin
On Sunday, October 29th, DraCor released its Yiddish corpus (YiDraCor), making these Yiddish plays highly machine readable and ready out-of-the-box for computational literary study.
Oct 22, 2024
Texts & Translation
דער טאַטע איז געקומען שלאָפֿן
Papa Came Home to Sleep
Mimi Pinzón
Translation by Jonah Lubin
Tsugob: Urke Nachalnik on the Yiddish Stage
Jonah Lubin
Last spring we published Jonah Lubin’s overview and bibliography of “Master Criminal” Urke Nachalnik. Now, he has expanded this research to discuss how Urke Nachalnik was represented in popular Yiddish culture.
Feb 06, 2024