

Review Once There Was Warsaw by Ber Kutsher, transl. Gerald Marcus

Alison B. Curry

Kutsher’s memoir is not just a memoir of his life but a memoir of a city long gone. Written originally in Yiddish in 1955 after Kutsher survived the Holocaust and left Poland, it reads more like a yizkor book than a personal memoir.


Tsugob: Urke Nachalnik on the Yiddish Stage

Jonah Lubin

Last spring we published Jon­ah Lubin's overview and bibliography of "Master Criminal" Urke Nachalnik. Now, he has expanded this research to discuss how Urke Nachalnik was represented in popular Yiddish culture.


Review of: Benny Mer, Smocza: A Biography of a Jewish Street in Warsaw

Meirav Reuveny

The history of Smocza, a Jewish Street in Warsaw, is not the story of the world-renowned figures, but rather of every person who ever lived or died there, including those who are lost to our collective memory.

Texts & Translation

בײַטאָג אױפֿן אַלטן מאַרק

A Day in the Old Market

Yakov Leshchinsky

Translation by Robert Brym

An Extract from Yakov Leshchinsky's Di ekonomishe lage fun Yidn in Poyln.