Anita Norich

University of Michigan

Anita Norich is Tikva Frymer-Kensky Collegiate Professor Emerita of English and Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan. She is the translator of Desires by Tsilye Dropkin (forthcoming, 2024), Fear and Other Stories by Chana Blankshteyn (2022), and A Jewish Refugee in New York by Kadya Molodovsky (2019). She is also the author of Writing in Tongues: Yiddish Translation in the 20th Century (2013), Discovering Exile: Yiddish and Jewish American Literature in America During the Holocaust (2007), The Homeless Imagination in the Fiction of Israel Joshua Singer (1991); and co-editor of Languages of Modern Jewish Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, 2016), Jewish Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext, (2008), and Gender and Text in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures (1992).


Texts & Translation

מײדלעך, פֿרױען, װײַבער און...נבואה

Girls, Women, Ladies and... Prophecy

Kadya Molodovsky

Translation by Anita Norich, Faith Jones and David Mazower

A translation of Kadya Molodowsky’s response to Melech Ravitsh’s article about women writers. 

Texts & Translation

מײדלעך, פֿרױען, װײַבער—ייִדישע דיכטערינס

Girls, Women, Ladies–Yiddish Poetesses

Melekh Ravitch

Translation by Anita Norich, Faith Jones and David Mazower

A translation of Melech Ravitsh’s “Meydelkh, froyen, vayber—yidishe dikhterins.”

Texts & Translation

אַ פּאָר שעה אין פֿרױען־װעלט

A Few Hours in Women’s World

Chana Blankshteyn

Translation by Anita Norich, Faith Jones and David Mazower

A translation of Chana Blankshteyn’s repotage on Sore Reyzn’s speech in the Women’s Union in March 1927. 

Texts & Translation

צו מײַן ברודער אַבֿרהם רײזען

To My Brother Avrom Reisen

Sarah Reisen

Translation by Faith Jones, Anita Norich and David Mazower

A translation of Sarah Reisen’s poem to her brother, Avrom. 

Texts & Translation

װײַבעריקום טאַלאַנטיקום אײַנלײַטיגונגס

Womanistic Talentistic Introductionarium

Froym-Leyb Volfson

Translation by David Mazower, Anita Norich and Faith Jones

A translation of Froym-Leyb Volfson’s satirical poem about women writers. 

Texts & Translation

אַן אָפֿענער בריװ צו יענטע סערדאַצקי

An Open Letter to Yente Serdatsky

Chaim Gutman

Translation by Faith Jones, Anita Norich and David Mazower

A translation of Der lebediker’s satirical letter to Yente Serdatsky. 

Texts & Translation

פֿראַדל שטאָק

Fradl Shtok

Rokhl Auerbach

Translation by Anita Norich, David Mazower and Faith Jones

A translation of Rokhl Auerbach’s review of Fradl Shtok’s short story collection. 

Texts & Translation

אַ קוש

A Kiss

Celia Dropkin

Translation by Faith Jones, Anita Norich and David Mazower

A translation of Celia Dropkin’s “A kush.” 


Translating and Teaching Yiddish Prose by Women

Anita Norich

It is time to stop lamenting the paucity of available Yiddish prose works by women and, instead, to translate more and to use the wealth of material that is already available.

Texts & Translation



Chana Blankshteyn

Translation by Anita Norich

A Short story from author, editor and activist Chana Blankshteyn.


Embracing Ambiguity: Reflections on Translating Yiddish

Anita Norich

Professor Anita Norich concludes our series of reflections on Translating Yiddish in the twenty-first century by reconsidering our relationship to ambiguity in translation.