

Loyt di Leyeners: Responses to “New Yiddish Poetry from the Israel-Gaza War”

The Editors, Tal Hever-Chybowski, Jessica Kirzane, Jordan Kutzik, Lawrence Rosenwald and Eva Mroczek

We are pleased to share these responses in order to broaden conversation about poetry in the midst of disaster.


Brivkestl: Call for Responses to our Publishing about the Israel-Gaza war

Notes from the Editors

What do you think about our coverage in relation to the war in Gaza? Let us know.


Moshe Rabbenu Splits the Atom: Writers of the Forverts React to the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Nadav Pais-Greenapple

A dive into the pages of historical Yiddish newspapers from the dawn of the nuclear age


Resources for Teaching about Israel/Palestine

Jessica Kirzane and Shachar Pinsker

As the war in Israel/Palestine continues to unfold, we aim to support our readers, many of whom are teachers and students of Yiddish, as they look for ways to learn about and discuss these events in mame-loshn.


A Conversation on Yiddish Studies, Jewish Studies, and Ukraine

Amelia Glaser and Jeffrey Veidlinger

Amelia Glaser and Jeffrey Veidlinger have been engaged with sharing their expertise - literary and historical - about Jewish histories of Ukraine. We asked them what they have to say about the war in Ukraine to the Yiddish studies scholars, students, and community of In geveb.