

לויט די לייענערס | Readers Respond: Malka Lee

Dade Lemanski

A reader writes in to tell us about her grandmother, Yiddish poet Malka Lee, and to dispel an error of identity that's been floating around the internet for years. 


Best Dressed Yiddish Women Cultural Figures

Dade Lemanski

Iconic hats of Yiddish poetry, plus the labor of creating a look! 


What was the kultur-tuer?

Ross Perlin

A portrait of the kultur-tuer, Moyshe Shtarkman (1906-1975), the activist engaged in the day-to-day moments that materially and intellectually make Yiddish culture.


Best Dressed Male Yiddish Cultural Figures

Saul Noam Zaritt

What the ascot can teach us about Yiddish cultural history.