Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation

טאַגעבוך פֿון אַן עלנטער מיידל אָדער: דער קאַמף קעגן פֿרײַער ליבע

Diary of a Lonely Girl or the Battle Against Free Love, Part 2

The con­tin­ued adven­tures of Miri­am Karpilove’s Lone­ly Girl” in a new trans­la­tion by Jes­si­ca Kirzane 

Texts & Translation

בינטשע די צדקתטע אָדער די אײַנגעפֿאַלענע באָד

Bintshe the Tsadeykeste or The Demolished Bathhouse

A new trans­la­tion of a nine­teenth cen­tu­ry chap­book detail­ing the com­ic adven­tures of a woman named Bintshe and her mis­sion to save a dilap­i­dat­ed bathhouse. 

Texts & Translation

ברוך דיין אמת

Blessed is the True Judge

A short sto­ry from Leon Kobrin’s 1903 col­lec­tion Geto dra­men.