Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation

"בלי קדיש“ או "דער לעבעדיקער יתום"

"Kaddish Denied" or "The Living Orphan"

Avro­hom Eliy­ohu Plotkin served as the rab­bi of Ostashkov, a provin­cial town mid­way between Moscow and Leningrad, after the Russ­ian Rev­o­lu­tion, at a time when the Jew­ish Sec­tions (Evsek­t­si­ia) of the Com­mu­nist Par­ty — sup­port­ed by oth­er agents of the Sovi­et state — were forcibly clos­ing all the insti­tu­tions that made Jew­ish reli­gious life pos­si­ble. In 1927, Ray­atz was arrest­ed in Leningrad and sen­tenced to death. An inter­na­tion­al pres­sure cam­paign secured a com­mu­ta­tion and safe pas­sage to Latvia. Kad­dish Denied” is a semi-auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal tale that unfolds in the after­math of Rayatz’s arrest and departure. 

Texts & Translation

דער טאַטע איז געקומען שלאָפֿן

Papa Came Home to Sleep

A short sto­ry by Mimi Pinzón about a young girl grow­ing up in an Argen­tine conventillo. 

Texts & Translation

New Yiddish Poetry from the Israel-Gaza War

A col­lec­tion of recent Yid­dish poet­ry pub­lished and per­formed in the wake of the war. 

Texts & Translation

הירשקע גליק

Hirshke Glik

An excerpt from Kacz­er­gin­ski’s mem­oir on the ori­gins of the Par­ti­san Hymn.

Texts & Translation

מײדלעך, פֿרױען, װײַבער און...נבואה

Girls, Women, Ladies and... Prophecy

A trans­la­tion of Kadya Molodowsky’s response to Melech Rav­it­sh’s arti­cle about women writers. 

Texts & Translation

מײדלעך, פֿרױען, װײַבער—ייִדישע דיכטערינס

Girls, Women, Ladies–Yiddish Poetesses

A trans­la­tion of Melech Rav­it­sh’s Mey­delkh, froyen, vay­ber — yidishe dikhterins.”

Texts & Translation

אַ פּאָר שעה אין פֿרױען־װעלט

A Few Hours in Women’s World

A trans­la­tion of Chana Blankshteyn’s repotage on Sore Reyzn’s speech in the Wom­en’s Union in March 1927

Texts & Translation

צו מײַן ברודער אַבֿרהם רײַזען

To My Brother Avrom Reisen

A trans­la­tion of Sarah Reisen’s poem to her broth­er, Avrom. 

Texts & Translation

װײַבעריקום טאַלאַנטיקום אײַנלײַטיגונגס

Womanistic Talentistic Introductionarium

A trans­la­tion of Froym-Leyb Volf­son’s satir­i­cal poem about women writers.