Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation



A new trans­la­tion of Jacob Glat­stein’s 1956 poem about the Qibya affair.” 

Texts & Translation

סאַקאָ און וואַנזעטיס מאָנטיק

Sacco and Vanzetti’s Monday

A poem about Sac­co and Vanzetti, orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished the day before their execution. 

Texts & Translation

משיח אין אַמעריקע

Messiah in America

An exclu­sive extract from Moyshe Nadir’s 1932 satire, Mes­si­ah in America.

Texts & Translation

צוויי לידער

Two Poems

Two poems by Celia Dropkin 

Texts & Translation

לעצטע מעשׂים־טובֿים פֿון אַ טאָמײטע

A Tomato's Last Good Deeds

If you thought Shloyme Gilbert’s Mono­logue of a Dog” was strange, wait until you read Get­sl Selikovit­sh’s toma­to monologue. 

Texts & Translation

אַ שטיקעלע ברויט

A Crumb of Bread

A new trans­la­tion of David Edelsh­tat’s pro­le­tar­i­an poem a shtikele broyt.

Texts & Translation

אַ סוד

A Secret

Short sto­ry from Mil­groym issue 4 

Texts & Translation

אַ שאלה

A Problem

Short sto­ry from Mil­groym issue 6 

Texts & Translation

די באַלאַדע פֿון מײַן אומעט

My Tale of Woe

Moyshe-Leyb Halpern’s mor­bid, post­mod­ernist bal­lad in a new, cre­ative trans­la­tion by Michael Shapiro.