Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation

לעצטע מעשׂים־טובֿים פֿון אַ טאָמײטע

A Tomato's Last Good Deeds

If you thought Shloyme Gilbert’s Mono­logue of a Dog” was strange, wait until you read Get­sl Selikovit­sh’s toma­to monologue. 

Texts & Translation

די גרינע עפּעלעך פֿון גן־עדן

Green Apples from the Garden of Eden

From Boris San­dler’s 1997 col­lec­tion Toy­ern (Gate­ways): a sto­ry in which an immi­grant’s rem­i­nis­cences are so vivid they all but blur the bor­der between dreams and time travel.

Texts & Translation

הונגער: אַ מאָנאָלאָג פֿון אַ הונט

Hunger: Monologue of a Dog

Shloyme Gilbert’s tale of hard­ship and alien­ation, nar­rat­ed by a dog.

Texts & Translation

ברוך דיין אמת

Blessed is the True Judge

A short sto­ry from Leon Kobrin’s 1903 col­lec­tion Geto dra­men.

Texts & Translation

אַ טאַנץ

A Dance

A sweatshop worker finds temporary respite from reality at a relative's wedding.

Texts & Translation

דער חובֿ

The Debt

An exclu­sive extract from Oedi­pus in Brook­lyn and Oth­er Sto­ries by Blume Lempel. 

Texts & Translation


A Lynching

The grit­ty, and con­tro­ver­sial 1920s account of a lynch­ing by Joseph Opatoshu.

Texts & Translation

רב דוד

Reb Dovid

A young woman strug­gles with her rela­tion­ship to her father and to her future as an old maid” in this new trans­la­tion of Jon­ah Rosen­feld’s story.