Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation

די כאָלערע

Cholera, Part 2

Part 2 of a series excerpt­ed from Rosen­feld’s Cholera.”

Texts & Translation

די כאָלערע

Cholera, Part 1

Intro­duc­ing the first install­ment of a four-part series excerpt­ed from Jon­ah Rosen­feld’s Cholera.”

Texts & Translation

The History of "Shund" Literature in Yiddish

A trans­la­tion of Khone Shmeruk’s foun­da­tion­al arti­cle for the study of shund in Yid­dish literature.

Texts & Translation



Vivi Lachs trans­lates Katie Brown’s Bankrot, a fam­i­ly dra­ma set in Lon­don’s East End. 

Texts & Translation

די טאַטעס און די קינדער

Fathers and Their Children

A trans­la­tion of the fore­word and a chap­ter from Chaim Mal­itz’s guide for Jew­ish immi­grants, Di heym un di froy (New York City, 1918). 

Texts & Translation



Annabel Cohen trans­lates Abra­ham Sutzkev­er’s poem, Paris.”

Texts & Translation

װינטער פֿאַרנאַכט

Soir d’hiver

Sebas­t­ian Schul­man invites read­ers to engage with fran­coph­o­ne Québec through a trans­la­tion of Émile Nelligan’s Soir d’hiv­er.”

Texts & Translation

Chava Rosenfarb’s Translations into Yiddish of Two English-Language Jewish-Canadian Writers

New­ly-dis­cov­ered Yid­dish trans­la­tions by Cha­va Rosen­farb of two Jew­ish-Cana­di­an authors. 

Texts & Translation

An Excerpt from Vetinok Lelamdo Sefer

An excerpt about hasidic yeshi­va edu­ca­tion and sec­u­lar stud­ies from Katle Kanye’s Vetinok Lelam­do Sefer.

Texts & Translation


From the Depths

A sonorous trans­la­tion of a poem about the Lodz ghet­to by Cha­va Rosenfarb.