Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation

משיח אין אַמעריקע

Messiah in America

An exclu­sive extract from Moyshe Nadir’s 1932 satire, Mes­si­ah in America.

Texts & Translation

חיים גראַװיצער (די געשיכטע פֿון דעם געפֿאַלענעם): פֿון דער חבדישער װעלט

Chaim Gravitzer (The Tale of the Downfallen One): From the World of Chabad

An extract from Fishl Schneer­sohn’s nov­el Chaim Grav­itzer: The Tale of the Down­fall­en One From the World of Cha­bad.

Texts & Translation

הונגער: אַ מאָנאָלאָג פֿון אַ הונט

Hunger: Monologue of a Dog

Shloyme Gilbert’s tale of hard­ship and alien­ation, nar­rat­ed by a dog.

Texts & Translation

דער טױער־מאָטיװ אין דער בוך־קונסט

The Motif of the Porch

Mil­groym edi­tor Rachel Wis­chnitzer’s essay on illus­trat­ed Hebrew manuscripts

Texts & Translation

ברוך דיין אמת

Blessed is the True Judge

A short sto­ry from Leon Kobrin’s 1903 col­lec­tion Geto dra­men.

Texts & Translation

קאָמיטעט צו זאַמלען מאַטעריאַלן װעגן ייִדישן חורבן אין פּױלן, 1939. ביולעטין נומער 3

Committee for the Collection of Materials on the Destruction of the Jews in Poland, 1939. Bulletin no. 3

A bul­letin pro­duced by the Vil­na Komitet in 1939, includ­ed in Miri­am Schulz’s recent book, Der Beginn des Unter­gangs: Die Zer­störung der jüdis­chen Gemein­den in Polen und das Ver­mächt­nis des Wilnaer Komi­tees (“Before the bow that was drawn”: The Vil­na Komitet and its doc­u­men­ta­tion of the destruc­tion of Pol­ish Jew­ry), pre­sent­ed here in a new translation. 

Texts & Translation



A new trans­la­tion of Mal­ka Lee’s Baley­dikt” from her 1932 col­lec­tion Lid­er.

Texts & Translation

מכאן ואילך : פתח־דבר

Mikan Ve’eylakh (From this Point Onward): Foreword

In antic­i­pa­tion of its third issue, here is the fore­word to issue one of Mikan Ve’ey­lakh: Jour­nal for Dias­poric Hebrew.