
Reflections on the teaching and learning of Yiddish, as well as downloadable guides, exercises, and lesson plans to use in the classroom.


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: Which Textbook to Use?

In an effort to pool the wis­dom and ques­tions acquired from our work in the class­room, In geveb reg­u­lar­ly polls Yid­dish lan­guage instruc­tors on top­ics relat­ed to Yid­dish ped­a­gogy. In this install­ment: what text­book do you use with begin­ning students? 


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: The Great Weinreich Debate

The sec­ond install­ment of our ped­a­gogy forum, pre­sent­ing the opin­ions and expe­ri­ences of Yid­dish lan­guage teach­ers on the ques­tion of using the text­book Col­lege Yiddish. 


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: Teaching with Sholem Aleichem

Instruc­tors share their thoughts on teach­ing with Sholem Aleichem.


Invitation to Participate: Yiddish Student Survey

Call­ing all stu­dents! Par­tic­i­pate in our ped­a­gogy poll.


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: The Place of the Khurbn in Yiddish Language Classes

The lat­est in our series in which we poll Yid­dish stud­ies instruc­tors about a top­ic relat­ed to their teach­ing. This time, we want to know whether and how you intro­duce the top­ic of the Holo­caust in your Yid­dish lan­guage instruction.


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: The Place of the Khurbn in Yiddish Language Classes

How and when do our read­ers teach khurbn mate­ri­als in their Yid­dish lan­guage class­es? We’ve assem­bled respons­es to this poll in our loyt di lerers series.


Invitation to Participate: Teaching Yiddish Outside the University Classroom

The lat­est in our series of polls for teach­ers of Yid­dish. This time, we want to learn how you mod­i­fy your teach­ing for dif­fer­ent set­tings — class­room for­mat, class fre­quen­cy, stu­dent com­po­si­tion, and so on. Please take the poll and share widely!