
Reflections on the teaching and learning of Yiddish, as well as downloadable guides, exercises, and lesson plans to use in the classroom.


Games for Small Groups

In geveb is shar­ing a series of games for use in Yid­dish lan­guage classes.


The Yiddish Radio Project: Lessons from the Intermediate Yiddish Language Classroom

The third in a series of reflec­tions on Yid­dish ped­a­gogy in the dig­i­tal age. Here, Sun­ny Yud­koff dis­cuss­es her use of radio broad­casts in her Yid­dish courses. 


Invitation to Participate: Teaching Intermediate Yiddish

Call­ing all teach­ers of Inter­me­di­ate Yid­dish! Par­tic­i­pate in our ped­a­gogy poll.


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: Intermediate Yiddish

Yid­dish lan­guage instruc­tors share their thoughts about teach­ing Inter­me­di­ate Yiddish. 


The Comet at the End of the World: An Online, Immersive, Conversational Lesson Plan about “Current Events” Using Digitized Yiddish Press Materials

Ri Turn­er shares the mate­ri­als from a ses­sion for inter­me­di­ate stu­dents over Zoon on astron­o­my reportage in the Yid­dish press, which can serve as an exam­ple of how to iden­ti­fy dig­i­tized his­tor­i­cal Yid­dish mate­ri­als around a par­tic­u­lar theme, repack­age them in a for­mat that is acces­si­ble to inter­me­di­ate stu­dents, and use them in an online teach­ing con­text to gen­er­ate a con­ver­sa­tion that is both his­tor­i­cal­ly root­ed and con­tem­porar­i­ly relevant.


Yiddish Learning by New Learners: Two Zines and Two Games Student Projects from the Steiner Program’s Intermediate Class

Exam­ples of project-based learn­ing in the inter­me­di­ate Yid­dish class­room, from the fab­u­lous stu­dents of Rivke Mar­golis’s Inter­me­di­ate Yid­dish Class at the Stein­er Pro­gram of the Yid­dish Book Cen­ter, sum­mer 2023.


The Sung, Spoken and Written Yiddish Word: Student Projects from the 2024 Steiner Summer Yiddish Program’s Intermediate Class

Stu­dents rep­re­sent their voic­es, view­points and Yid­dish­es, through their final projects.