
Reflections on the teaching and learning of Yiddish, as well as downloadable guides, exercises, and lesson plans to use in the classroom.


Invitation to Participate: Yiddish in Holocaust Education

Do you teach cours­es relat­ed to the Holo­caust? What role does Yid­dish have in those cours­es? Let us know in this survey.


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: Yiddish in Holocaust Courses?

Instruc­tors share their thoughts on teach­ing with Yid­dish in Holo­caust Stud­ies contexts. 


Resources in Yiddish Studies: The Holocaust

This online bib­li­o­graph­i­cal series devot­ed to research resources in Yid­dish Stud­ies focus­es on the Holocaust.


Experiencing History: Jewish Perspectives on the Holocaust

In Novem­ber 2016, the Unit­ed States Holo­caust Memo­r­i­al Muse­um launched the beta ver­sion of Expe­ri­enc­ing His­to­ry: Jew­ish Per­spec­tives on the Holo­caust, a pri­ma­ry-source teach­ing tool that aims to bring Jew­ish sources from the Holo­caust to the North Amer­i­can under­grad­u­ate class­room. Emil Keren­ji describes the tool and how it can be used. 


Teaching Guide to Jacob Glatstein’s Anti-Fascist Poem “Goblin Nogood Has Run Out of Clout” (trans. Shandler)

Mark I. West offers sug­ges­tions for teach­ing Jacob Glat­stein’s 1943 Anti-Fas­cist chil­dren’s poem.


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: The Place of the Khurbn in Yiddish Language Classes

The lat­est in our series in which we poll Yid­dish stud­ies instruc­tors about a top­ic relat­ed to their teach­ing. This time, we want to know whether and how you intro­duce the top­ic of the Holo­caust in your Yid­dish lan­guage instruction.


לויט די לערערס | Teachers Weigh In: The Place of the Khurbn in Yiddish Language Classes

How and when do our read­ers teach khurbn mate­ri­als in their Yid­dish lan­guage class­es? We’ve assem­bled respons­es to this poll in our loyt di lerers series.