
Reflections on the teaching and learning of Yiddish, as well as downloadable guides, exercises, and lesson plans to use in the classroom.


Lomir shpiln! Dungeons, Dragons, and Separable Prefixes

This out­put-ori­ent­ed, task-based les­son plan for advanced begin­ners guides stu­dents through a fan­ta­sy-based role-play­ing adventure.


Progress Report: Reflections of a First-Time Yidish-lerer

A first-time Yid­dish teacher reflects on strate­gies and assign­ments that allow stu­dents to see and appre­ci­ate how much they have learned.


Antifascist Yiddish for Beginners

Saper’s course, Antifas­cist Yid­dish for Begin­ners,” grew explic­it­ly out of their per­son­al, polit­i­cal, and artis­tic com­mit­ments and was cre­at­ed for the com­mu­ni­ty they call home: an inter­gen­er­a­tional group of artists and activists, most­ly queer and trans left­ist Jews.


Notes on Teaching Yiddish in Berlin

I’ve always dreamed of teach­ing Yid­dish in per­son in Berlin. When the exhaust­ing lock­down in Berlin final­ly came to an end, I start­ed to work on real­iz­ing my dream.


Improvisational Performance in the Language Classroom: An Example from a Beginner’s Yiddish Class

Jes­si­ca Kirzane uses a Forverts advice col­umn to help her stu­dents prac­tice lib hobn and oth­er periphrastic verb struc­tures and encour­ages teach­ers to bor­row the exer­cise in their own classrooms.


Yiddish Film Activities for the Language Classroom: Teaching with Mamele

Using a short scene from the 1938 film Mamele (dir. Joseph Green, Kon­rad Tom), Rebec­ca Mar­go­lis demon­strates how short excerpts of Yid­dish films can be used to address spe­cif­ic aspects of Yid­dish dialect, gram­mar and idiom, and trans­la­tion in the Yid­dish lan­guage classroom. 


Yiddish in Berlin/Berlin in Yiddish

Eka­te­ri­na Kuznetso­va reflects on the first-ever Yid­dish sum­mer pro­gram to take place in the Ger­man cap­i­tal (August 14 — Sep­tem­ber 1st 2017)

Tam – Tastes of Yiddish Culture for Kids & Teens

Klez­Cal­i­for­nia, found­ed in 2003, and locat­ed in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area, devel­oped an ini­tia­tive to bring mate­ri­als about Yid­dish cul­ture to Jew­ish youth in reli­gious schools and day schools.