
Reflections on the teaching and learning of Yiddish, as well as downloadable guides, exercises, and lesson plans to use in the classroom.


Structure, Connection, and Real Joy: Studying Yiddish with Chronic Illness

In this essay Natasha Lip­man describes her jour­ney of study­ing Yid­dish while liv­ing with chron­ic illness.


Notes on Teaching Yiddish in Berlin

I’ve always dreamed of teach­ing Yid­dish in per­son in Berlin. When the exhaust­ing lock­down in Berlin final­ly came to an end, I start­ed to work on real­iz­ing my dream.


Invitation to Participate: Learning Yiddish on Duolingo

An invi­ta­tion for stu­dents learn­ing Yid­dish with Duolin­go to fill out a sur­vey about their moti­va­tions and expe­ri­ence with the learn­ing software.


Chaim Grade: Facts of a Life

This essay offers the first fruits of labo­ri­ous research in Grade’s papers, which were were joint­ly acquired by the Nation­al Library of Israel and YIVO Insti­tute for Jew­ish Research in New York in 2013.


Teaching and Producing Original Yiddish Radio

Sha­har Fineberg describes the chal­lenges and out­comes of host­ing a radio work­shop at a Yid­dish sum­mer program.


Labzik Assembled! Bringing Radical 1930s Yiddish Children’s Literature to the Virtual Stage

Cameron Bern­stein inter­views direc­tor Jake Krakovsky about his bilin­gual Yid­dish-Eng­lish pup­pet film Labzik: Tales of a Clever Pup” based on short sto­ries by Chaver Paver.


Teaching Guide for Leon Kobrin's "Blessed is the True Judge"

This teach­ing guide for Leon Kobrin’s short sto­ry Blessed is the True Judge” offers brain­storm­ing ideas, dis­cus­sion ques­tions, and essay prompts for high school and col­lege class rooms. 


Teaching Race Through Yiddish Literature in Israel

In this piece Han­nah Pollin-Galay reflects on the pos­si­bil­i­ties and lim­i­ta­tions of teach­ing race through Yid­dish lit­er­a­ture at an Israeli university.


Viver com Yiddish/Lebn far yidish: Song and Story Workshops for Children in a Brazilian School

In this piece Sonia Kramer and Aline Sil­veira describe their work with the Rio-de-Janeiro-based group Viv­er com Yid­dish which runs suc­cess­ful Yid­dish lan­guage and cul­ture work­shops for children.


Roundup of Universities Teaching Yiddish Across the World

In this piece, Sarah Biskowitz and Han­nah Mills present the answers to a sur­vey gath­er­ing infor­ma­tion on Yid­dish cours­es offered at uni­ver­si­ties across the world.