
Reflections on the teaching and learning of Yiddish, as well as downloadable guides, exercises, and lesson plans to use in the classroom.


Resources for Teaching about Israel/Palestine

As the war in Israel/​Palestine con­tin­ues to unfold, we aim to sup­port our read­ers, many of whom are teach­ers and stu­dents of Yid­dish, as they look for ways to learn about and dis­cuss these events in mame-loshn.


Diary of a Yiddish Teacher During Conferences

What more can I do for my coun­try, now so bad­ly in need of sup­port, except for teach­ing minor­i­ty lan­guages and Slav­ic-Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture of Ukraine?


Compendium to Found Treasures

The aim of this com­pendi­um is to make Yid­dish orig­i­nals for the sto­ries in Found Trea­sures eas­i­ly avail­able and to pre­serve some of the mate­ri­al­i­ty of the editor’s task of col­lect­ing these short stories.


Yiddish is back in Mokum

Yid­dish is once again being taught at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ams­ter­dam after an eight-year hiatus.


Reconstructing the Bibliography of a "Master Criminal"

Despite the pop­u­lar­i­ty of Urke Nachal­nik’s writ­ings in inter­war Poland, bib­li­o­graph­ic resources on the fig­ure have been scant, until now.


Elie Wiesel at the Forverts: A Bibliography

From 1956 – 1967, Eli Wiesel wrote for the Forverts, pub­lish­ing more than 1,000 arti­cles under his giv­en name, Eliez­er Wiesel, and about two dozen install­ments of a lit­er­ary col­umn under a pseu­do­nym, Elisha Karmeli. Aman­da Miryem-Khaye Seigel has com­piled a list of these arti­cles to aid researchers. 


Yiddish in Georgia

Sarah Biskowitz speaks with Lasha Shaku­lashvili about Yid­dish in the South Cau­cusus region and his new role teach­ing Yid­dish at at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbil­isi State Uni­ver­si­ty (TSU).


A Google Calendar for Yiddish Teachers / אַ גוגל־קאַלענדאַר פֿאַר לערערס פֿון ייִדיש

A Yid­dish instruc­tor cre­at­ed a Google cal­en­dar with dates that are impor­tant for Yid­dish lan­guage and lit­er­a­ture and shares thoughts about how it can be use­ful for teaching.


Di froyen”: Two Students’ Experiences

In this arti­cle Olive Ben­i­to-Myles and Nao­mi Piper-Pell reflect on their expe­ri­ence attend­ing the con­fer­ence Di froyen” at the Yid­dish Book Center.


Progress Report: Reflections of a First-Time Yidish-lerer

A first-time Yid­dish teacher reflects on strate­gies and assign­ments that allow stu­dents to see and appre­ci­ate how much they have learned.