
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


Northern Voices: New Yiddish Song in Sweden

Eisen­berg reviews Shtoltse Lid­er, a mul­ti­me­dia stage show, with songs in Yid­dish and Eng­lish, and expla­na­tions and evo­ca­tions in Swedish, from Swedish duo Ida and Louise. 


Jewish Victims, Jewish Virtue, but Not Much Jewish History: A Review of The Argentinian Prostitute Play

Tova Ben­jamin reviews The Argen­tin­ian Pros­ti­tute Play, a new play by Reuven Glez­er staged as part of the 2019 Broad­way Bound The­atre Festival. 


“Fragmented Narratives”: A Story of One Yiddish Word

Eka­te­ri­na Kuznetso­va reviews Elian­na Renner’s new exhib­it in Berlin, Pit­shipoy,” open through Novem­ber 6, 2020, which incor­po­rates Yid­dish into con­tem­po­rary art and dis­cus­sions about the pol­i­tics of col­lec­tive memory.


Songs to Make It Better: A Review of the Third and Fourth Unternationals by Daniel Kahn and Psoy Korolenko

Uri Schreter reviews two new albums from Daniel Kahn and Psoy Korolenko.


Review: Once Upon a Time the Fire Burned Brighter: Ballads From the Yiddish Gothic

On their album Once Upon a Time the Fire Burned Brighter: Bal­lads From the Yid­dish Goth­ic, Jere­mi­ah Lock­wood and Ricky Gor­don, per­form­ing as the duo Gor­don Lock­wood, con­jure a bygone world.


Review of Isaac Bashevis Singer's play "Enemies: A Love Story" at Lviv Theater

Bashe­vis Singer’s play takes on new mean­ing and rel­e­vance for Ukrain­ian audiences.


Yiddish and the Jewish Voice in The Zone of Interest

Whether or not The Zone of Inter­est is a good film does not hinge on the usage of a minute-long melody. But I do believe its employ­ment tells us the film was impec­ca­bly researched by a Jew­ish direc­tor with a clear vision for who ought to say what, and when.