
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


Yiddish and the Jewish Voice in The Zone of Interest

Whether or not The Zone of Inter­est is a good film does not hinge on the usage of a minute-long melody. But I do believe its employ­ment tells us the film was impec­ca­bly researched by a Jew­ish direc­tor with a clear vision for who ought to say what, and when.


New Inspirations for Jewish Music: A Review of the Concert Inaugurating this Year's POLIN Music Festival

The POLIN Music Fes­ti­val is an event ded­i­cat­ed to the broad spec­trum of Jew­ish music. This year, the con­cert inau­gu­rat­ing the 6th edi­tion of the fes­ti­val took place on Feb­ru­ary 23rd at the POLIN Auditorium.


Reclaiming Aspects of the Jewish Past and Remixing Them: An Interview with Performance Artist Julie Weitz

Weaver inter­viewed Julie Weitz about her ongo­ing Doikayt project: A series of rit­u­al­is­tic, impro­vi­sa­tion­al per­for­mances at Jew­ish sites across East­ern Europe.


“Do What You Can to Survive”: Women’s Holocaust Memories in Silent Tears: The Last Yiddish Tango

The cre­ators of the 2023 album Silent Tears: The Last Yid­dish Tan­go grap­ple with com­plex ques­tions about long-term trau­ma and the bur­dens of mem­o­ry for women who sur­vived the Holocaust.


"I salvage the shards": an interview with Polish poet Grzegorz Kwiatkowski

An inter­view with Pol­ish poet and musi­cian Grze­gorz Kwiatkowski.


A Meeting Place for Two Worlds: An Interview with Piotr Nazaruk and Lublin’s Grodzka Gate Center

Mag­dale­na Kozłows­ka inter­views Piotr Nazaruk about Lublin’s Grodz­ka Gate Cen­ter and the cen­ter’s new online exhib­it of mem­o­ry maps from yizkor bikher and oral his­to­ry interviews.


Asch’s Kutno: Celebrating An Author’s Life and Culture in His Hometown

Every two years, the town of Kut­no, Poland hosts the Sholem Asch Fes­ti­val, which orga­niz­ers describe as an event con­nect­ing the past with the present of Kut­no, once a Pol­ish-Jew­ish town in which Jews con­sti­tut­ed over 70% of the pop­u­la­tion in the 19th century.”


Communicating Jewish History in Poland Today

POLIN Muse­um of the His­to­ry of Pol­ish Jews was decades in the mak­ing and now tells the thou­sand year his­to­ry of Pol­ish Jews in the old heart of Jew­ish Warsaw. 


A Writer in the Spa: Identifying Jacob Glatstein’s Protagonist

In his nov­el Ven Yash iz geku­men, Jacob Glat­stein wrote a Poland both famil­iar and strange, and peo­pled it with char­ac­ters based on the real-life lit­er­ary fig­ures and his­to­ri­ans he met in the spa town of Nałęczów.