
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


New Inspirations for Jewish Music: A Review of the Concert Inaugurating this Year's POLIN Music Festival

The POLIN Music Fes­ti­val is an event ded­i­cat­ed to the broad spec­trum of Jew­ish music. This year, the con­cert inau­gu­rat­ing the 6th edi­tion of the fes­ti­val took place on Feb­ru­ary 23rd at the POLIN Auditorium.


“Do What You Can to Survive”: Women’s Holocaust Memories in Silent Tears: The Last Yiddish Tango

The cre­ators of the 2023 album Silent Tears: The Last Yid­dish Tan­go grap­ple with com­plex ques­tions about long-term trau­ma and the bur­dens of mem­o­ry for women who sur­vived the Holocaust.


Review: Once Upon a Time the Fire Burned Brighter: Ballads From the Yiddish Gothic

On their album Once Upon a Time the Fire Burned Brighter: Bal­lads From the Yid­dish Goth­ic, Jere­mi­ah Lock­wood and Ricky Gor­don, per­form­ing as the duo Gor­don Lock­wood, con­jure a bygone world.


Layering Text and Perspective: An Interview with Singer Songwriter Katherine Bulthuis

Di Froyen,” the debut EP by Kather­ine Bulth­ius, per­form­ing under the moniker Olke, sets to music the first three poems in Kadya Molodowsky’s cycle of the same name.


A Night at the (Yiddish) Opera: Bas Sheve’s North American Premiere

As the bian­nu­al Ashke­naz fes­ti­val kicked off, so did the North Amer­i­can Pre­mière of Bas Sheve, a Yid­dish opera, on August 312022.


An Interview with Simon Starr of YID! on their new album, ZETS!

ZETS! is the sec­ond album of the Mel­bourne-based band, YID!


Kosmopolitn: a Time Capsule to a World that Maybe Was

Kos­mopolitn, the lat­est Tsvey Brid­er release from Borscht Beat Records, is a trib­ute to the social and cul­tur­al dynamism of turn-of-the-twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry Yid­dish poet­ic life.


Beyond the Theater of Memory: Reflections on Yiddish Singing in the German-Speaking World

Isabel Frey reflects on the chal­lenges and pos­si­bil­i­ties of per­form­ing Yid­dish music as a Jew­ish per­former in Ger­many and Aus­tria beyond the insu­lat­ed Berlin klezmer scene.


“Oy, Mamelige!”: Mamaliga’s Dos Gildn Bletl

Mama­li­ga’s debut album is an excit­ing, sub­tle, and intri­cate addi­tion to Boston’s klezmer offerings.


forshpil:tsvey: forshpil's Alternate Universe of Yiddish Rock

With an elec­tric gui­tar, dis­tor­tion, and hun­dred-year-old Yid­dish lyrics, for­sh­pil’s new album feeds the imag­i­na­tion with lib­er­a­to­ry world-building.