
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


Yiddish and the Jewish Voice in The Zone of Interest

Whether or not The Zone of Inter­est is a good film does not hinge on the usage of a minute-long melody. But I do believe its employ­ment tells us the film was impec­ca­bly researched by a Jew­ish direc­tor with a clear vision for who ought to say what, and when.


“Do What You Can to Survive”: Women’s Holocaust Memories in Silent Tears: The Last Yiddish Tango

The cre­ators of the 2023 album Silent Tears: The Last Yid­dish Tan­go grap­ple with com­plex ques­tions about long-term trau­ma and the bur­dens of mem­o­ry for women who sur­vived the Holocaust.


Announcing the 2023 Cohort of Fortunoff/In geveb Fellows

In geveb and the For­tunoff Video Archive for Holo­caust Tes­ti­monies at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty are part­ner­ing to fund mean­ing­ful schol­ar­ship and cre­ative pro­duc­tions based on the unique Yid­dish oral his­to­ries at the For­tunoff Archive.


Call for Proposals: Creative, Pedagogical, and Research Projects Working with Yiddish Testimonies from the Fortunoff Video Archive

The For­tunoff Video Archive for Holo­caust Tes­ti­monies at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty is col­lab­o­rat­ing with the In geveb to encour­age and fund schol­ars to work with the collection. 


Briv funem arkhiv: Nearly pulped, a photo hints at wartime history

A reflec­tion on the weighty lega­cy” of retell­ng the cat­a­stro­phes and upheavals that befell the Jews of Tulchyn.


"I salvage the shards": an interview with Polish poet Grzegorz Kwiatkowski

An inter­view with Pol­ish poet and musi­cian Grze­gorz Kwiatkowski.


A Meeting Place for Two Worlds: An Interview with Piotr Nazaruk and Lublin’s Grodzka Gate Center

Mag­dale­na Kozłows­ka inter­views Piotr Nazaruk about Lublin’s Grodz­ka Gate Cen­ter and the cen­ter’s new online exhib­it of mem­o­ry maps from yizkor bikher and oral his­to­ry interviews.


Confessions of a Yiddish Writer and Other Essays: An Interview with Goldie Morgentaler

Matthew John­son and Corbin Allardice talk with Goldie Mor­gen­taler, Cha­va Rosenfarb’s daugh­ter and edi­tor and trans­la­tor of a recent­ly pub­lished col­lec­tion of Rosen­far­b’s essays. 


Memorializing the Holocaust in Electronic Music: An Interview with Francisco Dean

Jo Sabath talks with Fran­cis­co Dean about Dean’s Frilingdik Umbazigt: As the Spring Uncon­quered, an elec­tron­ic music piece memo­ri­al­iz­ing the Holo­caust that he com­posed and direct­ed with high school stu­dent musi­cians at the Chica­go Lab­o­ra­to­ry School.


Translating the Holocaust

Jon­ah Boyarin explores the process of his trans­la­tion of Mord­khe Wolfshaut-Dinkes’s holo­caust mem­oir, Check­mate: The Mir­a­cle of My Life.