
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


A Hasid Turns Modern: A YIVO Autobiography, Part 1

The first in a series of posts about an auto­bi­og­ra­phy found in the YIVO archives from 1930s Poland.


A Hasid Turns Modern: A YIVO Autobiography, Part 2

The sec­ond in a series of posts about an auto­bi­og­ra­phy found in the YIVO archives from 1930s Poland: RJ’s hatred of women but love for the hasidic tale!


A Hasid Turns Modern: A YIVO Autobiography, Part 3

The third in a series of five posts about an auto­bi­og­ra­phy found in the YIVO archives from 1930s Poland: the ched­er years!


A Hasid Turns Modern: A YIVO Autobiography, Part 4

The fourth in a series of five posts about an auto­bi­og­ra­phy found in the YIVO archives from 1930s Poland: sui­cide and the mod­ern library of a maskil.


A Hasid Turns Modern: A YIVO Autobiography, Conclusion

The fifth and final post in an inves­ti­ga­tion of an auto­bi­og­ra­phy found in the YIVO archives from 1930s Poland: why do we need to read these auto­bi­ogra­phies today?


Yehoash’s Scroll: A Calligraphed Megiles Ester

In hon­or of Purim, a fine cal­ligraphed scroll of Yehoash’s trans­la­tion into Yid­dish of the Book of Esther, com­plet­ed by the poet­’s daugh­ter Chava.


Second Avenue Meets Broadway: New York’s Yiddish Theater at MCNY

An inter­view with Ste­fanie Halpern, assis­tant cura­tor of the cur­rent exhi­bi­tion on New York’s Yid­dish The­ater at the Muse­um of the City of New York.


"Eight Volumes in Dour Maroon": Josh Fogel on Translating the Leksikon

The Lek­sikon fun der nay­er yidish­er lit­er­atur, which is full of hard-to-find bio­graph­i­cal and bib­li­o­graph­i­cal infor­ma­tion about Yid­dish writ­ers, is tough to access out­side insti­tu­tions or from the far side of a pay­wall. By method­i­cal­ly trans­lat­ing and post­ing entries from the Lek­sikon online, Josh Fogel is work­ing to change that. 


Jews in the Archives: A Conversation with Gennady Estraikh

Gen­nady Estraikh speaks with Man­ag­ing Edi­tor Sarah Ellen Zarrow about the ground­break­ing project A Com­pre­hen­sive His­to­ry of the Jews of the Sovi­et Union,” a sev­en-year ini­tia­tive led by researchers in NYU’s Skir­ball Depart­ment of Hebrew and Juda­ic Studies.


"Are We Normal?": Mail from Isaac Bashevis Singer's Fans

A librar­i­an dis­cov­ers that Isaac Bashe­vis Singer’s fans wrote let­ters as com­pelling as the nov­els they loved.