
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


Mad Libs

The only Yid­dish revival sto­ry you’ll ever need.


The Latest in Yiddish Studies in English: 2023

The lat­est install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est publi­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.


Training for Yiddish Instructors Based in The Latest Pedagogy Research: An Interview with Asya Schulman and Sonia Bloom

Jes­si­ca Kirzane chats with Asya Schul­man and Sonia Bloom to learn about the whats, hows, and whys of the pro­grams for train­ing Yid­dish lan­guage instruc­tors through the Yid­dish Book Cen­ter: the Yid­dish Ped­a­gogy Fel­low­ship, the Yid­dish Ped­a­gogy Practicum, and Advanced Yid­dish class­es for Yid­dish teachers. 


Brivkestl: Call for Responses to our Publishing about the Israel-Gaza war

What do you think about our cov­er­age in rela­tion to the war in Gaza? Let us know.


Review of The Gospel According to Chaim by Mikhl Yashinsky

Eyshe Beirich reviews Mikhl Yashin­sky’s orig­i­nal Yid­dish play Di psure loyt khay­im.


“Do What You Can to Survive”: Women’s Holocaust Memories in Silent Tears: The Last Yiddish Tango

The cre­ators of the 2023 album Silent Tears: The Last Yid­dish Tan­go grap­ple with com­plex ques­tions about long-term trau­ma and the bur­dens of mem­o­ry for women who sur­vived the Holocaust.


The Farbindungen Yiddish Studies Conference: A Collaborative Project to Share Scholarship and Create Connections

The third annu­al Farbindun­gen Yid­dish Stud­ies Con­fer­ence will be tak­ing place online from Feb­ru­ary 18 – 19th, 2024. Orga­niz­ers Car­olyn Beard, Caleb Sher, and Sophia Shoul­son dis­cuss the ori­gins of the ini­tia­tive, this year’s offer­ings, and the future of Yid­dish stud­ies with Chana Toth-Sewell.


The Latest Yiddish Translations, 2023

A roundup of trans­la­tions pub­lished in 2023


CFP: "The Yiddish Press Beyond Its Pages": A special issue of In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies

We invite sub­mis­sions to a spe­cial issue of In geveb that focus on the Yid­dish press beyond the usu­al con­fines of the print­ed word.


Briv funem arkhiv: Far hashem, yivo un yeyl

A lit­tle piece of bureau­crat­ic uni­ver­si­ty paper­work reminds us of the inter­na­tion­al scope and depth of the work of great Jew­ish schol­ars like Max Weinreich.