
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


“Oy, Mamelige!”: Mamaliga’s Dos Gildn Bletl

Mama­li­ga’s debut album is an excit­ing, sub­tle, and intri­cate addi­tion to Boston’s klezmer offerings.


The Latest Yiddish Translations, 2021

A roundup of trans­la­tions pub­lished in 2021


A Winter Vacation, sof kol sof

We’re (belat­ed­ly) tak­ing a win­ter pub­lish­ing break. There’s plen­ty to read while we’re away.


It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Khanike

Yid­dish Chanukah Car­ols ris­es above the lev­el of spoof because of its com­mit­ted engage­ment with both the orig­i­nal and new mate­ri­als. Each track so that it set­tles com­fort­ably between Desser’s new Chanukah lyrics and the rec­og­niz­able Christ­mas original.


Dos vort in der virtueler yidisher gas: How Online Social Spaces Are Strengthening Transnational Yiddish Community

As Yid­dish and klezmer events moved online over the past two years, some Yid­dishists doubt­ed whether they could trans­late to a screen. But it is struc­tured spaces, not phys­i­cal encoun­ters, that facil­i­tate oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­nec­tion — which I and many oth­ers found a way to repli­cate online.


A Different Type of Seminary: Priests, Cyclists, and Other Tourists Visit the Lublin Yeshiva

The pre­served pages of the guest book of Lublin’s renowned yeshi­va tell us about the remark­able range of cyclists, Esper­an­tists, local rab­bini­cal stu­dents, Catholic sem­i­nary stu­dents, Hasidic rab­bis, and Revi­sion­ist Zion­ists who all came to vis­it in the 1930s.


Ten Unanswered Questions: An Unconventional Interview with Eve Adams

Ned Katz’s sen­si­tive new biog­ra­phy of Eve Adams high­g­lights the chal­lenges faced by LGBTQ peo­ple in ear­ly 20th-cen­tu­ry Amer­i­ca and rais­es lin­ger­ing ques­tions about the role that Judaism and the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty played in Adams’ life. In response, Noam Sien­na asks some ques­tions that per­haps only Adams could answer.


Loyt di leyeners: Tell Us Your Thoughts!

What brings you to our site, and what keeps you com­ing back? What do you wish we pub­lished more of, and where can we improve? Tell us how we’re doing in our blog and ped­a­gogy sections!


Interview with Jordan Kutzik about Yugntruf's new venture: Kinder-loshn Publications

Kinder-loshns mis­sion is to make great clas­sic works of Yid­dish children’s lit­er­a­ture avail­able to read­ers in both Yid­dish and Eng­lish and to pub­lish new Yid­dish children’s books and trans­la­tions of oth­er works into Yid­dish and English.


Briv funem arkhiv: “Arabs Make Peace… With the Khalutsim of Liepaja”

Idishe bilder writer Moyshele Vul­fart describes the vis­it of two Arab men from Pales­tine to a kib­butz hakhshara, a prepa­ra­tion kib­butz, in Liepa­ja, Latvia, in 1938. While it was not uncom­mon for such reports to be con­veyed by Jew­ish com­rades on return vis­its from Pales­tine, in this instance the mes­sage-bear­ers were Pales­tin­ian men pre­sum­ably on the oth­er side of the conflict.