

The State of Yiddish Studies in China

This piece is offers a broad por­trait of the state of Yid­dish Stud­ies in Chi­na today, includ­ing its role in the small but grow­ing field of Jew­ish Stud­ies in China.


Listening to Sylvia’s Children: A response to Briv funem Arkhiv: Letter from Sylvia Schneiderman to Itche Goldberg

Amye Rubin­schnei­der inter­views her moth­er and aunt in response to Josie Naron’s blog post about a let­ter from their moth­er, Rubin­schnei­der’s grand­moth­er, a teacher fired dur­ing the Red Scare.


The Promise and Peril of Digital Research in Yiddish: An Interview with Gerben Zaagsma

Ele­na Hof­fern­berg inter­views Ger­ben Zaags­ma about his path to study­ing Yid­dish in the Span­ish Civ­il War; the poten­cy and the frus­tra­tions of dig­i­tal research; and the future of dig­i­tal stud­ies and Yiddish.


Inside the Yiddish Folk Song: An Interview with Mark Slobin

Ari Kel­man talks with Mark Slobin about Inside the Yid­dish Folk Song, a new web­site project cur­rent­ly under con­struc­tion, which aims to be an acces­si­ble, com­pre­hen­sive online intro­duc­tion to the full com­plex­i­ty of the Yid­dish folk song tradition.


Confessions of a Yiddish Writer and Other Essays: An Interview with Goldie Morgentaler

Matthew John­son and Corbin Allardice talk with Goldie Mor­gen­taler, Cha­va Rosenfarb’s daugh­ter and edi­tor and trans­la­tor of a recent­ly pub­lished col­lec­tion of Rosen­far­b’s essays. 


Between Translation and Tradaptation: An Interview with Daniel Kahn, Berlin, January 2017

Maranne Windsperg­er inter­views punk­folk artist Daniel Kahn about his approach­es to transadap­ta­tion and translation.


In Search of “Berlin Grandfathers”: An Interview with Arndt Beck and Ella Ponizovsky-Bergelson

Eka­te­ri­na Kuznetso­va inter­views artists Arndt Beck and Ella Poni­zovsky-Bergel­son about their recent exhi­bi­tion of Yid­dish-relat­ed works in Berlin, Di far­bloyte fed­er | Berlin­er zeydes.”


Memorializing the Holocaust in Electronic Music: An Interview with Francisco Dean

Jo Sabath talks with Fran­cis­co Dean about Dean’s Frilingdik Umbazigt: As the Spring Uncon­quered, an elec­tron­ic music piece memo­ri­al­iz­ing the Holo­caust that he com­posed and direct­ed with high school stu­dent musi­cians at the Chica­go Lab­o­ra­to­ry School.


Communicating Jewish History in Poland Today

POLIN Muse­um of the His­to­ry of Pol­ish Jews was decades in the mak­ing and now tells the thou­sand year his­to­ry of Pol­ish Jews in the old heart of Jew­ish Warsaw. 


Sitra Achra: Shterna Goldbloom on the Ones Who Don't Follow

Shter­na Gold­bloom dis­cuss­es pho­tog­ra­phy, com­mu­ni­ty, and mem­o­ry. Her sat­u­rat­ed, col­or­ful work cen­ters the lim­i­nal places where the holy and the mar­gin­al come together.