
Essays and peer-reviewed scholarship in Yiddish Studies, an interdisciplinary field that engages all aspects of Yiddish cultural production, especially in its relationship to other cultures and languages.

Click here for a separate listing of open-access, peer-reviewed articles.


Man, Woman, and Serpent: Kabbalah and High Modernity in the Early Writings of Aaron Zeitlin

This study presents a trans­la­tion and analy­sis of Aaron Zeitlin’s 1924 essay, Man, froy un shlang,” pub­lished in Illus­trirte vokh.


Kratsn in der linker peye: yidish, yidishkayt, un dos pintele yid: A special issue of In geveb on Religious Thought in Yiddish

An intro­duc­tion from the edi­tors of the spe­cial issue of In geveb on Reli­gious Thought in Yiddish.


A Narrow Path: Language and Longing for a Holy Place that is Lost

For the nascent Pol­ish Braslev Hasidic move­ment, the events of 1917 and their after­math sev­ered the group from its Holy Place: the grave of Reb Nakhmen in what is now Uman, Ukraine. This geopo­lit­i­cal real­i­ty elicit­ed a unique lit­er­ary and spir­i­tu­al response in the form of an impas­sioned prayer, penned by Reb Yit­skhok Brayter (c. 1886 – 1942), a leader of that community.


A Linguistic Bridge Between Alienation and Intimacy: Chabad’s Theorization of Yiddish in Historical and Cultural Perspective

Yid­dish has always been the orac­u­lar main­stay of Chabad’s intel­lec­tu­al and spir­i­tu­al trajectory.


Yokhed ve-tsiber: Individual Expression and Communal Responsibility in a Yiddish Droshe by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Schol­ar­ship on Soloveitchik’s teach­ings has tend­ed to focus exclu­sive­ly on his Hebrew or Eng­lish works rather than his Yid­dish writ­ings, but the present essay traces Soloveitchik’s style and explor­ing the nuances of intel­lec­tu­al lega­cy through the lens of an impor­tant Yid­dish homi­ly, a lit­tle-stud­ied but crit­i­cal essay called Yokhed ve-tsi­ber” (“The Indi­vid­ual and the Col­lec­tive”), an undat­ed work was first deliv­ered as a droshe (ser­mon) on his father’s yort­sayt.


A Guide to the Ze’enah U-Re’enah: Correcting Some Misconceptions

The most pop­u­lar Yid­dish book ever pub­lished gets its sto­ry right. 


The Anarchist Sage/Der Goen Anarkhist: Rabbi Yankev-Meir Zalkind and Religious Genealogies of Anarchism

How can a polit­i­cal phi­los­o­phy of anar­chism emerge from Tal­mud study? Yankev Meir Zalkind, ear­ly twen­ti­eth-cen­tu­ry Yid­dishist, shows our read­ers how. 


Review of Ariel Mayse's Speaking Infinities

In his recent metic­u­lous­ly-researched and sen­si­tive­ly-writ­ten work, Ariel Evan Mayse brings to the atten­tion of the con­tem­po­rary read­er a remark­able the­ol­o­gy of lan­guage to be found in the teach­ings of Dov Ber Fried­man, the Mag­gid of Mezritsh (17041772).


Prayer and Crime: Cantor Elias Zaludkovsky’s Concert Performance Season in 1924 Poland

In his con­cert career Zalud­kovsky walked a fine line between per­form­ing the sacred iden­ti­ty of can­tor and falling into the forms of cul­tur­al crime that he him­self had iden­ti­fied as cor­rupt­ing tra­di­tion through exces­sive com­mer­cial­iza­tion and medi­a­ti­za­tion of sacred music.

Click here for a pdf ver­sion of this article