

Review of So Many Warm Words by Rosa Nevadovska, trans. by Merle L. Bachman

Mer­le L. Bachman’s new trans­la­tion of a selec­tion of Nevadovska’s poems, most­ly from Lid­er Mayne, pub­lished by Ben Yehu­da Press, is an event to celebrate.


Review of Three Yiddish Plays by Women: Female Jewish Perspectives, 1880-1920, Alyssa Quint (anthology editor)

These three wriers with lives unfold­ing in three dif­fer­ent local­i­ties — Tsarist Rus­sia, Poland, and the US — wrote plays that grap­ple with issues —such as the trag­ic fate of the agune (“chained wife”), moth­er­hood, self-real­iza­tion, sex work, finan­cial inde­pen­dence, and repro­duc­tive auton­o­my— that unfor­tu­nate­ly are still urgent a cen­tu­ry later.


Review of Montage: Works by Debora Vogel, trans. Lyubas

This small hard­cov­er book is a per­fect gem for those who want to intro­duce them­selves to Vogel’s poetry.


Review of Shira Gorshman's Meant to Be, translated by Faith Jones

This is the first book-length col­lec­tion of Gorshman’s work to be trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish, with only a hand­ful of sto­ries elsewhere.


Review of Miriam Karpilove's A Provincial Newspaper and Other Stories, translated by Jessica Kirzane

The women in A Provin­cial News­pa­per and Oth­er Sto­ries are com­plex, mul­ti­fac­eted char­ac­ters, and they do not uni­form­ly fix­ate on love.


Review of From the Jewish Provinces by Fradl Shtok, translated by Jordan D. Finkin and Allison Schachter

From the Jew­ish Provinces is a valu­able and high­ly read­able addi­tion to Yid­dish lit­er­a­ture in translation.


“Love is Death”: Judith: A Tale of Love and Woe

Judith is a nov­el about the mun­dan­i­ties of life and love that, as per­haps painful and unhealthy as they lat­er turn out to be, per­sist even as the world around us erupts into vio­lence, and that we car­ry with us halfway across the world and half a life­time away.


Review of Women Writing Jewish Modernity by Allison Schachter

Schachter calls us to think beyond the andro­cen­tric, to imag­ine and cre­ate an under­stand­ing of mod­ern Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture that places women at its center.