

Review of Yiddish: A Biography of a Language by Jeffrey Shandler

Shandler’s biog­ra­phy can be read as a chron­i­cle of expand­ing notions of folk­stim­lekhkayt, from the old vos far a yid redt nisht ken yidish (what kind of [Ashke­nazi] Jew doesn’t speak Yid­dish) stan­dard to the Yid­dish being used and devel­oped by cohorts of non-native speakers.


New Resources for Studying Jewish Women's Lives in Early Modern Europe

Two new pub­li­ca­tions offer rich and engag­ing mate­r­i­al for the fur­ther explo­ration of Jew­ish life in ear­ly mod­ern Europe.


Review of Sutzkever Essential Prose, translated by Zackary Sholem Berger

Halff offers a spe­cif­ic and detailed cri­tique of the trans­la­tion, while also acknowl­edg­ing that in this book, filled with Sutzkever’s metaphors, imagery, and motifs, won­ders await.”


Review of Living with Hate in American Politics and Religion by Jeffrey Israel

Jef­frey Israel has writ­ten an ambi­tious, thought-pro­vok­ing, and impres­sive book about polit­i­cal love and how it can be achieved through play.


Review of Transatlantic Russian Jewishness by Gennady Estraikh

Estraikh paints a vibrant pic­ture of Yid­dish socialism’s flu­id­i­ty and its many ten­den­cies as it respond­ed to the ten­sions and trau­mas of the twen­ti­eth century.


Not Entirely Off the Derech: A Review of Ayala Fader’s Hidden Heretics

Ayala Fader’s new book ana­lyzes the dou­ble lives of hid­den heretics — and how they are forced into such a bifur­cat­ed exis­tence. It’s hard for a Yid­dishist to main­tain a neu­tral dis­tance from Hid­den Heretics, which is devot­ed to Hasidim who have almost gone com­plete­ly off the reli­gious path, but still stay inside their com­mu­ni­ties, lead­ing dou­ble or mul­ti­ple lives. 


Stranger in a Strange Land? A Review of Rachel Rojanski’s Yiddish in Israel

Rojanski’s work pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive pic­ture of the events and per­son­al­i­ties that chart the his­to­ry of Yid­dish in Israel.


Surreptitious Desires and Fantasy Worlds: Review of Golan Y. Moskowitz's Wild Visionary: Maurice Sendak in Queer Jewish Context

In Golan Y. Moskowitz’s engross­ing Wild Vision­ary: Mau­rice Sendak in Queer Jew­ish Con­text, he tells of the fan­ta­sy worlds that the beloved chil­dren’s book writer and illus­tra­tor cre­at­ed over his life­time, ini­tial­ly as a form of self-preser­va­tion, a way of sur­viv­ing a world hos­tile to overt dis­plays of queer­ness and Jew­ish­ness, and even­tu­al­ly — and rebel­lious­ly — as a form of plea­sure and self-expression.


Review of Childe Harold of Dysna by Moyshe Kulbak, translated by Robert Adler Peckerar

Moyshe Kulbak’s Childe Harold of Dys­na—a nov­el in verse that is inspired by Lord Byron and dra­ma­tizes the char­ac­ter of the Jew­ish fla­neur — charms, delights, and brings a gen­tle sorrow.