

Review of Utopia’s Discontents: Russian Emigres and the Quest for Freedom, 1830s—1930s by Faith Hillis

Cre­at­ed out of neces­si­ty as a response to Tsarist repres­sion, Hillis argues that cir­cles of Russ­ian émi­gré groups, or colonies,” rep­re­sent­ed a cru­cial space in the devel­op­ment of Russ­ian politics.


“Love is Death”: Judith: A Tale of Love and Woe

Judith is a nov­el about the mun­dan­i­ties of life and love that, as per­haps painful and unhealthy as they lat­er turn out to be, per­sist even as the world around us erupts into vio­lence, and that we car­ry with us halfway across the world and half a life­time away.


Review of Women Writing Jewish Modernity by Allison Schachter

Schachter calls us to think beyond the andro­cen­tric, to imag­ine and cre­ate an under­stand­ing of mod­ern Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture that places women at its center.


Review of Polacos in Argentina by Mariusz Kałczewiak

Pola­cos in Argenti­na pro­vides a mul­ti­fac­eted per­spec­tive on the hybridized iden­ti­ties that trans­formed Pol­ish Jews into Argen­tin­ian Jews and even­tu­al­ly into Jew­ish Argentines.


Review of New York Klezmer in the Early Twentieth Century by Joel E. Rubin

Despite the shift­ing sta­tus and pop­u­lar­i­ty of this Ashke­nazi instru­men­tal music and its musi­cians, Joel Rubin is, sur­pris­ing­ly, the first researcher to devote seri­ous and sus­tained atten­tion to one of its most impor­tant and pro­duc­tive peri­ods: New York in the 1920s, and in par­tic­u­lar the remark­able — and nowa­days canon­i­cal — record­ings of its two best-known and most influ­en­tial fig­ures, Dave Tar­ras (1895÷71989) and Naf­tule Brandwein (18841963).


Review of Beyond the Synagogue by Rachel B. Gross

Through her work, Gross seeks to val­i­date prac­tices that mean­ing­ful­ly con­tribute to Jew­ish iden­ti­ty for­ma­tion and con­nect Jew­ish Amer­i­cans to their his­to­ry as a peo­ple and to the con­tem­po­rary com­mu­ni­ty of Jew­ish people.