
Essays and peer-reviewed scholarship in Yiddish Studies, an interdisciplinary field that engages all aspects of Yiddish cultural production, especially in its relationship to other cultures and languages.

Click here for a separate listing of open-access, peer-reviewed articles.


Literarishe reveransn”: Yiddish Translation as Negotiation

Radosav dis­cuss­es her expe­ri­ences as a trans­la­tor of Yid­dish poet­ry into Roman­ian and her eval­u­a­tion of cer­tain trans­la­tions from oth­er lan­guages into Roman­ian or from Roman­ian into Yid­dish. The essay out­lines a strat­e­gy of trans­la­tion-recre­ation,” in which the trans­la­tor bal­ances a sense of fideli­ty to the source text with the attempt to cre­ative­ly repro­duce its inter­nal mechanism.


The Shtik Kabole Niger Couldn’t Digest: Poetry, Messianism, and Literatoyre in Aaron Zeitlin’s Keter

This study presents a trans­la­tion and analy­sis of Aaron Zeitlin’s (18981973) poem Keter: Frag­menten fun a rap­sodye,” pub­lished in 1923, at the height of the War­saw expres­sion­ist explo­sion of the ear­ly twenties. 


Die Geometrie des Verzichts: Deborah Vogel's poetry, essays, and letters in a new German translation and compilation

This vol­ume, edit­ed and trans­lat­ed by Anna Maja Misi­ak, is the first edi­tion of Deb­o­ra Vogel’s work in any lan­guage to include all of her prose and poetry.


Claudia Rosenzweig's Bovo d’Antona by Elye Bokher. A Yiddish Romance: A Critical Edition with Commentary

A review of Clau­dia Rosen­zweig’s new crit­i­cal edi­tion of the bove-bukh.


A Poetic Paradox: Gender and Self in Anna Margolin’s Mary Cycle

Weininger ana­lyzes Anna Mar­golin’s cycle of poems enti­tled Mary,” explor­ing her use of Chris­to­log­i­cal themes and fig­ures and the expres­sion of iden­ti­ty and self-def­i­n­i­tion in the poems. 


The Price of Remorse: Yiddish and the Work of Mourning in Jacob Steinberg’s Hebrew Poetry

Jacob Stein­berg’s poet­ry between Hebrew and Yid­dish, between mourn­ing and melancholy.


Dream of a Common loshn

How can we read Yid­dish poet­ry across time to find a new com­mon lan­guage? How can we cre­ate a space for the imag­ined dia­logues of Kadia Molodowsky and Adri­enne Rich with their fore­moth­ers, an alter­na­tive nar­ra­tive of blood and text?