
Essays and peer-reviewed scholarship in Yiddish Studies, an interdisciplinary field that engages all aspects of Yiddish cultural production, especially in its relationship to other cultures and languages.

Click here for a separate listing of open-access, peer-reviewed articles.


Split Identity: Jewish Scholarship in the Vilna Ghetto

In this essay, David Fish­man draws a com­par­i­son between yidishe visnshaft, or Jew­ish stud­ies schol­ar­ship, and Juden­forschung, the Nazi field of anti­se­mit­ic Jew­ish stud­ies used to jus­ti­fy the per­se­cu­tion and exter­mi­na­tion of Jews in sci­en­tif­ic terms.


Review of Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe, Jewish Theater, and the Art of Itinerancy by Debra Caplan

In the brief decade of its exis­tence, the Vil­na The­ater Troupe rad­i­cal­ly changed Yid­dish the­ater, and the glob­al stage.


'Before the bow that was drawn': The Vilna Komitet and its documentation of the destruction of Polish Jewry, 1939–1940/41

A trans­la­tion of the intro­duc­tion of Miri­am Schulz’s recent book, Der Beginn des Unter­gangs: Die Zer­störung der jüdis­chen Gemein­den in Polen und das Ver­mächt­nis des Wilnaer Komi­tees (“Before the bow that was drawn”: The Vil­na Komitet and its doc­u­men­ta­tion of the destruc­tion of Pol­ish Jewry).


Is There Such a Thing as “Yiddish Architecture”?

The spa­tial turn” in the human­i­ties has opened up new kinds of think­ing about Jews’ rela­tion­ship to place. Yet how can this approach — which focus­es on the phys­i­cal­ly con­crete — be applied to the field of Yid­dish stud­ies, which after all is defined by the intan­gi­ble fac­tor of language?