
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


The Latest in Yiddish Studies in English: 2023

The lat­est install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est publi­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.


The Latest in Yiddish Studies in English: 2022

The lat­est install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est pub­li­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.


The Latest in Yiddish Studies in English: 2021

The 2021 install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est pub­li­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.


The Latest in Yiddish Studies in English: 2020

The lat­est install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est pub­li­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.


To open up a theme and make some inroads into it: An Interview with Gennady Estraikh and Mikhail Krutikov about the Studies in Yiddish Legenda Book Series

Ayelet Brinn dis­cuss­es Pro­fes­sors Gen­nady Estraikh’s and Mikhail Kru­tikov’s long-run­ning series, Stud­ies in Yid­dish, for Leg­en­da, and the changes they’ve seen in aca­d­e­m­ic pub­lish­ing and Yid­dish stud­ies over the course of the past twen­ty years.


The Latest in Yiddish Studies in English: 2019

The newest install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est pub­li­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.


The State of Yiddish Studies in China

This piece is offers a broad por­trait of the state of Yid­dish Stud­ies in Chi­na today, includ­ing its role in the small but grow­ing field of Jew­ish Stud­ies in China.


The YIVO Layoffs and the State of the Field: A Roundup of Perspectives and Call for Submissions

We are inter­est­ed in pieces that place the recent events at YIVO in the con­text of dis­ci­pline-wide trends, his­tor­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, schol­ar­ly and oth­er­wise, and that help us think through the broad­er forces that pro­duced this moment and its pos­si­ble ramifications. 


Your Guide to Yiddish and In geveb at the 2019 AJS Conference

Check out the dozens of pan­els and pre­sen­ta­tions involv­ing Yid­dish at this year’s Asso­ci­a­tion for Jew­ish Stud­ies Annu­al Conference.


Your Guide to Yiddish and In geveb at the 2018 AJS Conference

Check out the dozens of pan­els and pre­sen­ta­tions involv­ing Yid­dish at this year’s Asso­ci­a­tion for Jew­ish Stud­ies Annu­al Conference.