
Essays and peer-reviewed scholarship in Yiddish Studies, an interdisciplinary field that engages all aspects of Yiddish cultural production, especially in its relationship to other cultures and languages.

Click here for a separate listing of open-access, peer-reviewed articles.


Review of Montage: Works by Debora Vogel, trans. Lyubas

This small hard­cov­er book is a per­fect gem for those who want to intro­duce them­selves to Vogel’s poetry.


Review of Lisa Richter’s Nautilus and Bone; An Auto/biography in Poems

As a read­er of Margolin’s poet­ry in its orig­i­nal Yid­dish, and a trans­la­tor of her work into Eng­lish, I approached this col­lec­tion with both inter­est and skepticism.


The Yiddish Columbus: Critical Counter-History and the Remapping of American Jewish Literature

Glantz’s mas­ter­work Kris­to­bal Kolon offers a transna­tion­al vision of the Amer­i­c­as that insists — in Yid­dish — on its Jew­ish, Mus­lim, indige­nous and African ori­gins, sug­gest­ing a new geog­ra­phy for Amer­i­can Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture that exceeds the bound­aries of what we under­stand the Amer­i­c­as and Jew­ish­ness to be, and chal­leng­ing our expec­ta­tions of what Yid­dish lit­er­a­ture can contain.


‘Brother Jews of the Entire World!’ Bergelson, Hofshteyn, and Soviet-Yiddish in the Worldwide Jewish Family

This arti­cle looks at the wartime artis­tic and jour­nal­is­tic out­put of Dovid Bergel­son and Dovid Hof­shteyn to see how these writ­ers appro­pri­at­ed Sovi­et ter­mi­nol­o­gy to paint Sovi­et Jews as the elder broth­ers in a world­wide Jew­ish family.


Review of Childe Harold of Dysna by Moyshe Kulbak, translated by Robert Adler Peckerar

Moyshe Kulbak’s Childe Harold of Dys­na—a nov­el in verse that is inspired by Lord Byron and dra­ma­tizes the char­ac­ter of the Jew­ish fla­neur — charms, delights, and brings a gen­tle sorrow.


Walking with Vogel: New Perspectives on Debora Vogel

This spe­cial issue invites you to walk with Deb­o­ra Vogel as she maps the spaces of Jew­ish life through avant-garde forms. We bring togeth­er new per­spec­tives on Vogel through poet­ry, visu­al art, trans­la­tion, and schol­ar­ship, all in an attempt to fol­low the many lines of cre­ative and crit­i­cal inquiry that emerge from Vogel’s work.

Click here for a pdf of this article.


The Image of Streetwalkers in Itzik Manger’s and Debora Vogel’s Ballads

By con­sid­er­ing the image of the street­walk­er in Manger’s and Vogel’s work, this arti­cle deep­ens the under­stand­ing of Yid­dish cre­ativ­i­ty as ulti­mate­ly mul­ti­modal and interconnected.


Letters Without Addresses: Abraham Sutzkever’s Late Style

Abra­ham Sutzkev­er’s poet­ry is often read with­in the con­fines of Holo­caust lit­er­a­ture”. This essays reads a selec­tion of Sutzkever’s poet­ry against the Holo­caust, against the apoc­a­lypse, and against the hori­zons of mean­ing that the label of Holo­caust lit­er­a­ture” might impose.